
欧洲网 ouzhou.cc

欧洲招聘网(http://job.ouzhou.cc)2022年9月招聘资讯:德国比勒费尔德大学招聘历史或社会学方向全奖博士 ,截止日期2022年10月。





The Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology (BGHS) is a joint institution of the Department of History and the Faculty of Sociology at Bielefeld University (Germany). The BGHS is a learning community of doctoral researchers and within the DAAD-Graduate School Scholarship Programme (GSSP) invites applications for Two doctoral scholarships for Internationals with a maximum duration of 4 years, starting 1 October 2023.




We are seeking highly motivated researchers especially from developing and emerging countries with a genuine interest in an academic environment that fosters creativity through interdisciplinary exchange. Successful candidates are expected to conduct research within the doctoral programme and, in the end, receive the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in history or sociology. The BGHS promotes research in the fields of history, art history, sociology, political science, social anthropology and didactics of social sciences in the research areas covered by the BGHS.







Applicants should hold an excellent international Master’s degree or equivalent in history, sociology, political science, social anthropology, or related disciplines;

must not have been resident in Germany for more than the last nine months before the application;

should not have graduated any longer than six years before the time of application;

must not have completed a PhD previously.



Applications in English or German language  must be submitted online by 30 October 2022





Terms of the scholarship: The scholarships have a duration of 4 years and include a scholarship payment of EUR 1,200 per month; a country-dependent travel allowance; a combined health, accident and liability insurance; a study and research allowance; if applicable, a rent subsidy and family allowances; and the financing of a German language course. 





All information on the application process and the evaluation procedure can be found from the end of August onwards at: https://www.uni-bielefeld.de/einrichtungen/bghs/


欲了解更多信息,请联系Clara Buitrago博士:bghs@uni-bielefeld.de

For more information, please contact Dr Clara Buitrago: bghs@uni-bielefeld.de.