德国图宾根大学Dan Zhang招聘全奖博士生计算机,数学等方向

欧洲网 ouzhou.cc


The Bosch Industry-on-Campus (IoC) Lab, a research collaboration between the University of Tübingen and Bosch Center for AI, is in search of a highly motivated PhD student to address the challenges of out-of-distribution (OoD) generalization in computer vision tasks.

As part of our lab at the University of Tübingen, you are going to carry out AI research and develop novel machine learning methods for safety critical applications in autonomous driving, healthcare, and manufacturing systems. At the University of Tübingen you will be supervised by Dr. Dan Zhang and Prof. Andreas Geiger. Our lab will also support visits and foster collaborative exchanges with the Bosch Center for AI.

This position is available immediately (but start date is negotiable), the contract is initially for three years, and remunerated according to the German salary scale 13 TVL.

Research topics include:

• Generative (pre-)training for robust visual recognition under data shifts

• Language-guided long-tail recognition

• Uncertainty-aware knowledge distillation from foundation models


What do we require?

• Master’s degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, or related field

• Strong background in machine learning and/or computer vision

• Solid mathematics foundations, especially in probability theory, statistics, calculus and linear algebra

• Excellent programming skills with prior experience of working with deep learning libraries, such as PyTorch or TensorFlow

• Excitement, self-motivation, and commitment

• Good English skills

• Prior publications in relevant machine learning and computer vision venues will be advantageous for your application


Do you recognize yourself in the position profile? To apply, please send your application materials a single PDF file <lastname_firstname>.pdf (including your CV, research statement, transcripts and names of referees) to https://6emails.com/job/phd-position-in-ai-research-and-develop-novel-machine-learning-methods/.


About us: The University of Tübingen is an equal-opportunity employer. We prioritize diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive environment for everyone. We seek to increase diversity and the number of women in areas where they are under-represented and therefore explicitly encourage women to apply. We are also committed to recruiting more people living with disabilities and strongly encourage them to apply. The employment will be carried out by the central administration of the University of Tübingen.