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(Jingdong Group started in 1998, Group is a "supply chain-based technology and services company". It is currently involved in retail, technology, logistics, health, insurance, property development, international Business and industrial products and Services. Jingdong has accumulated over 470 million active annual purchasers. Jingdong Logistics operates over 1,300 warehouses worldwide, with a storage area of over 2,400 m2.)



(JD International Logistics is commited to offer Chinese manufacturers and Chinese brands one-stop, high-quality services to go overseas, and provide global customers with efficient, comprehensive and integrated supply chain solutions.)


(We are a motivated, international team with an open and friendly atmosphere.)


(A pleasant working atmosphere:  an international and efficient international  team.)


(Regular employee events.)


(Attractive salaries and varied benefits and allowances.)


(Comprehensive induction and intensive employee support.)


(Provide an international perspective on learning opportunities in the logistics industry.)




1. 京东-库存主管

Warehouse Inbound/stock Supervisor 


工作职责(Job responsibilities):

1. 根据库容、储位空间、人员、设备等情况,测算、确定入库能力,并进行配置,衔接商家进行上游进行预约安排。合理规划库房存储区,确保库存空间使用合理,各项标识、储位清晰且便于识别。

(Based on the warehouse space, equipment, manpower to calculate overall capacity of warehouse, set the capacity as the reservation reference for the supplier. Design warehouse space, make sure the space used by the maximum capacity with the clear labeling of the different area, for easy recognize.)

2. 根据入库预约情况,做好储位、人员、设备的相关安排工作,确保入库及时、准确、高效。

(Based on the reservation from supplier to arrange warehouse location, equipment and manpower, make sure product inbound in time, accurate and efficient.)

3. 对于预约延迟、未到、超量到货等及时进行反馈及处理,确保库存能力平稳运行。对入库环节操作及接收异常、积压进行跟踪处理,并确保每日闭环,并做好相关统计。

(Proactively monitor the reservation late arrival, over quantity arrival etc. problems, and feedback to handle them, make sure the capacity no any waste, and warehouse space running smoothly. Follow up and handle the abnormal during inbound, on shelf and inbound back log until the case close loop, make related record for analysis in future. )

4. 完善、优化库存环节的操作SOP及操作效率,确保操作体系流畅化,并督导实施。

(Complete and optimize the SOP in each operation node during inbound and stock, make sure the operation runs smoothly and make the execution inspection.)

5. 入库、在库环节人员培训、提升员工技能,合理安排人员、设备、物料等相关资源,确保业务操作顺畅、安全生产,并确保6S的顺利实施。

(Training the operation in inbound and stock, improve the operation skills, arrange the manpower, equipment, materials, improve operator skills, make sure the business runs smoothly with safety and carry out 6S standard.)

6. 定期进行库内商品盘点,确保商品数量、位置、属性准确并可用,并及时做库存盘盈亏处理。

(Periodically to do the counting of the product in warehouse, make sure the quantity, location, function all accurate and available, make the profit and loss based on the real stock.)

7. 结合生产系统的需求,及时协调资源进行补货等操作,确保生产整体流畅,有效率,并根据商品出库频率,合理补货,提升拣货效率。

(Align with the production plan to coordinate resourcing to do the replenishment, make sure the production smoothly and efficient, based on the frequency of the outbound product to make the reasonable plan for the routine to improve outbound efficiency.)

8. 优化库存,减少库存浪费,同时,对于库容的紧张情况提出预警及扩容需求。

(Optimize the stock, reduce the waste of space, give the high occupancy alert and requirement of expansion space.)


招聘要求(Job requirements):

1. 本科及以上学历。

(Bachelor's degree and above.)

2. 熟悉入库、装卸操作,有不低于3年的家电、电商仓储、制造业、零售库存管理相关经验,并熟悉WMS操作系统。

(Familiarity with warehouse inbound, loading, unloading process. Over 3 years´ experience in home appliance, ecommerce warehousing, manufacturing, retail warehousing, familiar with the WMS operation system.)

3. 熟悉一线仓储、物流、商超入库业务操作,并具备10人以上一线操作工人管理经验。熟悉储位管理、补货管理、库存异常管理。

(Familiarity with the frontline operation of e-commerce warehousing, logistic, retails warehousing. Have led more than 10 operators. Familiar with the allocation, replenishment, warehouse stock exception handling.)

4. 有良好的沟通及协调能力,团队管理能力,独立工作能力,能承受一定的工作压力。

(Good communication and coordination skills, team management skills, independent working ability, ability to work under pressure and overcome it.)

5. 熟练应用Word, EXCEL,PPT。

(Highly skilled in Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint.)

6. 瓦伦西亚本地及瓦伦西亚毕业生优先考虑。

(Valencia local or university students graduated from Valencia are preferred.)

7. 英语、西语流利,会说中文者优先。

(Fluency in English, Spanish. Chinese is preferred.)

8. 自备工作居留;拥有欧盟驾照,且驾驶技术熟练。

(Have work residence permit; possess an EU driving license and be proficient in driving skills.)




2. 京东-质量控制

Quality Control


工作职责(Job responsibilities):

1. 梳理、搭建运营操作标准SOP,并督促运营按照SOP进行实施。

(Organize, establish the operation SOP, and follow up the implementation of the SOP from the operation team.)

2. 对于各环节的操作进行数据层面监控,及时发现操作中存在的问题,并与运营一同进行优化改善。

(Build monitor system by data, find the problem in the operation, come out the action plan together with operation team.)

3. 对于全库的商品入、在、存进行整体流动监控,并督导各环节实现差异清零,同时,对于各环节的异常,及时进行督导、清理。

(Monitor product inbound, inventory, outbound process, make sure no discrepancy, clear all the backlog and exception with operation team.)

4. 对于系统的操作规范进行培训与检查,并督导运营提升操作规范度。

(Organize system operation training and inspection, monitor the implementation of it, improve the operation quality.)

5. 组织并搭建盘点制度,并从制度层面确保仓库库存清晰,明确,库存差异可追溯。

(Build the stock take mechanism, make sure all stock is clear, all stock discrepancy is trackable.)

6. 负责新客户导入阶段的需求收集、分析、流程规划,制定客户项目运营流程。

(Responsible for the demand collection, analyze, procedure plan and operation procedure setting for new clients.)

7. 现场检查,对于现场操作中存在的不规范、隐患等提出整改,并督导整改进度的到位。

(Inspection in the field, find the risk and non-standard operation, give the correction plan until the problem solved from the root.)

8. 协助仓经理制定各环节的考核指标及监控实施情况,并月度季度进行测算与绩效兑现。

(Assist the warehouse manager in developing assessment indicators and monitoring the implementation, conduct monthly and quarterly calculations and performance review.)

招聘要求(Job requirements):

1. 本科及以上学历。

(Bachelor's degree and above.)

2. 有强烈的责任心:乐观向上、心态积极。

(Strong sense of responsibility: optimistic and with positive attitude.)

3. 熟练应用Word, EXCEL,PPT。

(Highly skilled in Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint.)

4. 对于数据敏感,并能从数据及操作环节中发现问题。

(Sensible for data, can find the problems from data.)

5. 有3年以上电商仓储、物流、快递现场质控经验,并熟悉WMS操作。

(More than 3 year operation quality control experience in e-commerce warehousing, logistic, express, familiar with the WMS system.)

6. 具有良好的沟通及协调能力,承受较强工作压力。

(Good communication and coordination skills, lean management experience, ability to work under pressure and overcome it.)

7. 瓦伦西亚本地及瓦伦西亚毕业生优先考虑。

(Valencia local or university students graduated from Valencia are preferred.)

8. 英语、西语流利,会说中文者优先。

(Fluency in English, Spanish. Chinese is preferred.)

9. 自备工作居留;拥有欧盟驾照,且驾驶技术熟练。

(Have work residence permit; possess an EU driving license and be proficient in driving skills.)


3. 京东-商家服务

Customer service


工作职责(Job responsibilities):

1. 衔接商家,进行订单内部转化,及运营内部安排协调。

(Connect with customers, conduct internal conversion of orders, and coordinate internal arrangements for operations.)

2. 处理商家的紧急需求,及客户投诉。

(Handlecustomers’ urgent needs and customer complaints.)

3. 衔接末端配送,运力的保障跟进及装车规范。

(Connect terminal distribution, ensure follow-up of transportation capacity and load standards.)

4. 新商家导入衔接及沟通。

(Introduction, connection and communication with newcustomers.)

5. 商家账单应收应付处理。

(Handle bill receivable and payable processing.)

6. 系统流程的衔接及异常处理。

(System process connection and exception handling.)

7. 商家运营质量看板监控。

(Customers operation quality dashboard monitoring.)


招聘要求(Job requirements):

1. 本科及以上学历。

(Bachelor degree or above.)

2. 有强烈的责任心及服务客户的良好理念。

(Have a strong sense of responsibility and a good concept of serving customers.)

3. 熟练应用Word, Excel,PPT。Excel技术优秀。

(Proficient in using Word, Excel, and PPT. Excellent skills in Excel.)

4. 对于数据敏感,并能从数据及操作环节中发现问题。

(Sensitive to data and able to find problems in data and operation links.)

5. 有3年以上电商仓储、物流、客服及数据分析经验,并熟悉商家平台操作系统。

(Have more than 3 years of experience in e-commerce warehousing, logistics, customer service and data analysis, and be familiar with merchant platform operating systems.)

6. 具有良好的沟通及协调能力,承受较强工作压力。

(Have good communication and coordination skills and be able to withstand strong work pressure.)

7. 瓦伦西亚本地及瓦伦西亚毕业生优先考虑。

(Valencia natives and Valencian graduates will be given priority.)

8. 英语、西语流利,会说中文者优先。

(Fluent in English and Spanish, preference will be given to those who can speak Chinese.)


(Have work residence permit; possess an EU driving license and be proficient in driving skills.)





并注明|姓名(学校及专业)- 京东岗位名称