英国利兹大学Dr Dejian Zhou招聘全职(博士后)研究人员蛋白质生物化学方向

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英国利兹大学Dr Dejian Zhou招聘全职(博士后)研究人员蛋白质生物化学方向。英国利兹大学 Dr Dejian Zhou 课题组招收蛋白质生物化学方向及糖纳米化学方向全职博士后研究人员(Research Fellow),研究项目为聚糖官能化量子点的开发。项目申请的截止日期分别为 2018 年 4 月 5 日和 4 月 3 日。


项目课题:A BBSRC funded project to develop glycan-functionalised quantum dots (QDs) as novel multifunctional probes to dissect multivalent protein (DC-SIGN & DC-SIGN/R)-glycan interactions. 


导师:Dr Dejian Zhou, Senior Lecturer



薪资:£32,548 ~ £38,833 p.a.

合同期: 36 个月



【蛋白质生物化学方向】You will have a PhD in Protein Biochemistry and/or Cell Biology, the ability to carry out protein biochemistry experiments independently and excellent practical skills in protein characterisation and cellular imaging techniques. You will also have a good knowledge of nanochemistry.

申请截止日期: 2018 年 4 月 5 日

【糖纳米化学方向】You will have a PhD in Synthetic Carbohydrate Chemistry, the ability to carry out complex carbohydrate synthesis experiments independently and excellent research skills. You will also have a good knowledge of nanochemistry and biophysical techniques.

申请截止日期: 2018 年 4 月 3 日

有意向者请联系 Dr Dejian Zhou

电话:+44 (0)113 343 6230;
