奥地利维也纳生物研究中心招博士InternationalPhD Programme in Molecular Life

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欧洲招聘网(http://job.ouzhou.cc)2018年4月招聘资讯:奥地利维也纳生物研究中心招博士。InternationalPhD Programme in Molecular Life Sciences Vienna BioCenter (VBC) PhD Programme


The Vienna BioCenter is aleading life science location in Europe: a thriving campus that combines basicresearch, universities and biotech companies. Our programme has beensuccessfully running since 1993, providing students from all over the worldwith exceptional training. As a student at the VBC you will be supervised bytop scientists and have full access to state-of-the-art facilities, thus givingyou the opportunity to launch a successful scientific career. English is theworking language in all the institutes


The VBC campus is highlymultidisciplinary with research areas ranging from molecules to populations:Biochemistry and Structural Biology; Cell and Chromosome Biology; Computationaland Systems Biology; Molecular Medicine; Neurobiology; Plant Biology; RNABiology, Gene Regulation and Epigenetics; Stems Cells and DevelopmentalBiology.

Importantly the scientific environment is extremely dynamic andcollaborative, you will have numerous opportunities to meet, talk, listen andcollaborate with fellow scientists. The programme offers a flexible curriculumstructure with an initial training course, lectures on scientific topics aswell as technical and complementary skills training. Moreover, studentscontribute to the management of the institutes, through representatives, andorganize events that promote networking and career development, such as anannual retreat and a symposium..


Not only will you be in one ofEurope’s best institutes, you will live in Vienna, which is rated as the numberone city in the world for quality of life. Vienna is a fun, young city embeddedin beautiful old buildings, an international metropolis in the heart of Europe.

FourResearch Institutes collaborate in creating an exceptional trainingenvironment, where researchers have all the necessary resources to conductmeaningful projects: there is virtually no experiment that cannot be done atthe VBC.


The VBCPhD Programme is jointly organized by:

·      Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP)

·      Institute of Molecular Biotechnology (IMBA))

·      Gregor Mendel Institute (GMI)

·      Max F. Perutz Laboratories (MFPL)


Theprogramme is run in collaboration with the University of Vienna. Applicantsmust hold a Master's degree or equivalent from a university in a related topic(or you will complete a master's degree within six months of the applicationdeadline). Successful applicants will be hired on a full employment contractwith a competitive salary.

Weaccept applications twice per year and we usually recruit 15 students per call:

Winter call - 15September to 15 November 

Summer call - 1 March to30 April.


Forfurther information check our website: www.training.vbc.ac.at