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PhD position: "Investigating the effect of ocean mixing on biogeochemistry”

Job descrption

The department of Ocean Systems (OCS) at the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research is looking for a highly motivated PhD candidate with a background in climate physics or applied mathematics. In this 4-year position, you will investigate the effect of ocean mixing on biogeochemistry. The position is in the group of principal investigator dr. Sjoerd Groeskamp



Researchers in the Department of Ocean System Research (OCS) study open-ocean processes from a variety of disciplines including physical and chemical oceanography, marine geology, paleoceanography and deep-sea ecology. We investigate the past and present ocean in order to assess its future role in the Earth system.

We collect data during oceanographic research cruises and conduct experiments both at sea and in the laboratory at our home base on Texel. The department carries out work in diverse environments all around the globe, from the Antarctic to the Arctic, and from the Caribbean to the North Sea.



This project investigates the effect of ocean mixing on biogeochemistry. We do so by combining different observational datasets, theoretical models, and mixing parameterizations to understand the ocean biological carbon pump.

The biological carbon pump influences how much carbon can be stored in the ocean, thereby directly influencing climate change. The temporal and spatial efficiency of the carbon pump is known to depend strongly on mixing, but exactly how remains unclear. Without an improved understanding of this coupling between ocean physics and biogeochemistry, there is little hope to really understand the global carbon cycle.

The PhD-student will work with the Mixation-I data. This includes physical data from four moorings deployed in the subtropical North Atlantic near Bermuda in April 2022. These moorings will be recovered in spring 2023. The Mixation-I data will be combined with physical and biogeochemical data from the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study, which comprises of monthly data from 1988 to present day. Additional datasets obtained through international collaborations will provide a unique opportunity to investigate the role of mixing on the biological carbon pump in different physical and biogeochemical regimes worldwide. We will combine these data with current mixing parametrizations and theoretical modeling of biogeochemical tracer dynamics to quantify the role of mixing in setting the ocean biological carbon pump.




The PhD-project is at the interface between ocean physics and biogeochemistry and combines both observational data with theoretical models. We encourage the student to participate in expeditions aboard research vessels, including the expedition to recover the Mixation-I moorings during spring 2023. The PhD candidate will be based at OCS (Texel), but will benefit from collaboration with international co-supervisors and collaborators.


Job requirements


The PhD-candidate we are looking for, should have a MSc. degree in a natural science such as – but not limited to – physical oceanography, fluid dynamics or applied mathematics. Preferably, you will also have:

Scientific programming skills (python, Matlab or equivalent)

Interest for participation in oceanographic research expedition(s) of several weeks’ duration 

Candidates should be capable of independently planning and organizing their work, and should be interested in taking a leading role in directing the course of their own research within the overall framework of the project.

Proficiency in spoken and written English is essential, as the collaboration is international, the candidate will present their results at international conferences and write manuscripts to submit to peer-reviewed scientific journals.

Good collaborative and networking skills

A strong interest to work on a multi-disciplinary project between ocean physics and biogeochemistry.

We strive to ensure that our staff reflect the diversity of society, including age, gender and cultural background. We therefore very much appreciate candidates who are able to increase the diversity of NIOZ.



Employment of this full time position at Royal NIOZ is by NWO-I (The Netherlands Organization of Scientific Research). After a 12-month probationary period and successful evaluation, the position is extended for 36 months for a maximum employment of 4 years. The salary is compliant to the CAO-OI (Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Research Institutes), a pension scheme, a holiday allowance of 8% of the gross annual salary, a year-end bonus of 8,3%, flexible work arrangements and arrangements and 42 days of holiday leave (fulltime position). You may expect attractive secondary employment conditions. We offer generous relocation expenses for employees coming from abroad and support with finding accommodation.

Royal NIOZ is located on the beautiful island of Texel in the World Heritage Wadden Sea. Texel offers sun, wind and beach, and a diverse but moderate level of facilities, including a thriving tourist industry, shops, sports facilities, primary schools and a high school. It is connected to the main land by an hourly to half-hourly ferry service, with crossings taking 20 minutes. The Royal NIOZ is situated next to the ferry terminal.


More Information

Please apply online at    www.workingat.nioz.nl

For additional information about this vacancy, please contact dr. Sjoerd Groeskamp (principal investigator) or prof. dr. Gert-Jan Reichart (head of department). For additional information about the procedure, please contact Sigrid Moerbeek (sr. HR advisor).

Please visit the Department of Ocean System Research here.

Closing date for applications: September 11th, 2022.

Please note: job interviews are foreseen for the last week of September. (first round of interviews will be online via Microsoft Teams).

Highly preferred start date of this PhD position is 1st of November 2022