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生物医学系拥有 70 多个研究小组和 900 名员工,是该大学最大的部门。我们位于巴塞尔市中心的 6 个不同地点。成为您未来的一部分。

瑞士巴塞尔生物医学系 (DBM) 的 Momo Bentires-Alj 教授(实验室网站:https://bentireslab.org/)的实验室提供博士职位。成功的候选人将使用三阴性乳腺癌患者衍生类器官模型 (PDO) 研究抑制关键信号蛋白的治疗潜力。成功的候选者将成为实验室“个性化医疗”亚组的一部分,并将使用我们已建立的管道为模型的建立和表征、药物筛选和分析以及多组学分析和计算分析做出贡献。最后,候选人将研究潜在的分子机制并验证潜在的生物标志物。



1. PIK3CAH1047R induces multipotency and multi-lineage mammary tumors. Koren S, et al., Nature 2015

2. Glucocorticoids promote breast cancer metastasis. Obradović MMS, et al. Nature 2019

3. Hepatic stellate cells suppress NK cell sustained breast cancer dormancy. Correia AL, et al., Nature 2021

4. A high-throughput drug screen reveals means to differentiate triple-negative breast cancer. Vulin et al., Oncogene

5. Nicotinamide N-methyltransferase sustains a core epigenetic program that promotes metastatic colonization in breast cancer. Couto et al., EMBO J 2023

6. N-acetylcysteine overcomes NF1 loss-driven resistance to PI3Ka inhibition in breast cancer. Auf der Maur et al., Cell Report Medicine



 a) Derivation, characterization and handling of breast cancer patient-derived organoid samples,
b) Assessing their response to single or combination therapy using image-based drug screening (Pharmacoscopy),
c) Model profiling using a multi-OMICs approach and computational analysis, d) Validation of the findings at the molecular and cellular levels, involving mouse work.

A strong experience in primary cell culture, 3D cultures and co-cultures, and imaging. Expertise in drug screening, breast cancer, bioinformatics and/or mouse work is a plus. The candidate should be well-organized, highly motivated, team player and must be fluent in English.

A stimulating, challenging and interdisciplinary translational research environment, state-of-the-art technologies and core facilities, and attractive employment conditions. The DBM is an international institute pursuing basic, translational and clinical research, with access to cutting-edge core facilities.




