荷兰招聘 TP-Link荷兰公司TP-LINK Netherlands B.V.招聘会计助理

欧洲网 ouzhou.cc

欧洲招聘网(http://job.ouzhou.cc)2017年10月招聘资讯:荷兰招聘 TP-Link荷兰公司TP-LINK Netherlands B.V.招聘会计助理。普联技术有限公司(以下简称"TP-LINK")是全球领先的网络通讯设备供应商。自1996年成立以来,TP-LINK始终致力于为大众提供最便利的本地局域网络互联和Internet接入手段,为大众在生活、工作、娱乐上日益增长的网络使用需求,提供高品质、高性能价格比的全面设备解决方案。TP-LINK产品涵盖以太网、无线局域网、宽带接入、电力线通信,在既有的传输、交换、路由等主要核心领域外,正大力扩展移动互联网终端、智能家居、网络安全等领域。

公司总部位于中国深圳,同时在北京、上海、广州等20个中国中心城市设有销售和服务中心,并在33个国家和地区分别设立了海外直属子公司或代表处,产品已应用于全球128个国家,产品销售总数将超过8亿件。TP-LINK荷兰子公司(TP-LINK Netherlands B.V.) 于2013年开始正式运营,并且不断发展壮大,市场连续4年平均增长率超过70%,目前市场占有率全荷第一。


招聘岗位 会计助理


1. 负责日常收支的管理和核对以及公司固定资产管理

2. 负责收集和审核原始凭证,保证报销手续及原始单据的合法性、准确性;

3. 整理公司应付账款和应付账户,制定付款计划;

4. 负责开具各项票据,如发票、信用票据等;

5. 负责存货管理及库存分析,保证库位安全、有效流转;

6. 完成公司交予的其它相关工作。



1. 财会专业或其它相关专业学历,有相关岗位工作经验者优先。

2. 熟练的电脑操作能力,会Excel及财务记账软件;

3. 优秀的英语听说读写能力,有一定荷兰语基础者优先;

4. 在读学校能够提供实习证明。


有意者请将您的期望薪资,可以最早入职时间及英文或中文简历发送至: hr.nl@tp-link.com。并附近照一张。


Foundedin 1996, TP-LINK has become one of the world's leading providers of SOHO &SMB networking products, offering both innovative and award winning solutionsto the market. Ranked No. 1 provider of WLAN products, TP-LINK supply to over120 countries, serving tens of millions of consumers worldwide.

TP-LINKis a company that is fully committed to developing its products, services andconsumer relations through extensive R&D, strict Quality Assurancepractices, and effective outreach initiatives. Customer loyalty throughinteraction, focus and feedback are policies that help form the TP-LINKculture, as well as a commitment to achieve, and a dedication to innovate.

Intheir efforts, TP-LINK's global achievements in the industry have received bothrecognition and respect, proving their level of quality and commitment time andtime again. TP-LINK continue to develop award-winning products, offering acomplete range of networking solutions consisting of Routers, Adapters,Cameras, Switches, and many other Wired and Wireless devices for both Home andOffice use.



1. Prepareaccruals, prepayments, and provisions according to the company policies and processingbank transactions;

2. Preparecommercial invoice and credit notes for vendors;

3. GenerateA/P and A/R report on daily basis;

4. Performinventory analysis and prepare stock report in the timely and accurate manner;

5. Checkexpense claims and manage the fix asset account;

6. Assistsenior accountant in prepare VAT, intrastat and statistical returns;

7. Generateand perform general ledger pre/post closing journal entries;

8. Completionof monthly balance sheet and P&L account reconciliations.