英国医疗软件公司TPP 招聘Summer Internship

欧洲网 ouzhou.cc

欧洲招聘网(http://job.ouzhou.cc)2018年4月招聘资讯:英国医疗软件公司TPP 招聘Summer Internship







工作薪资:£2,000 per month




专业要求:Any discipline




TPP is offering paid internships for summer 2018 for university students in any year. Working alongside our Software Developers you’ll get the opportunity to work on exciting new projects, developing cutting-edge healthcare software. Our interns typically join us for 12 weeks but we are flexible on duration and start dates.


Our Software Developers work on a wide variety of projects as part of an agile development environment. They are involved in the full software cycle and work closely with all teams across the company as they scope out new projects and design, develop and deploy our innovative clinical system.


In the last three years, several high calibre students have joined TPP’s prestigious summer internship programme. During their three months with the company they worked on interesting projects in a variety of areas. These included:

(1)iOS development of apps

(2)Development of pseudonymisation and research technologies to aid in      public health and clinical trials

(3)Improving the sharing of clinical tools for healthcare professionals

(4)Integrating TPP’s systems with third-party products

(5)Introducing new features to our core system



TPP医疗软件公司成立于1997年,总部位于英国利兹,与多国政府及医疗机构合作, 通过医疗软件的标准化与智能化,提升医疗服务水平。以系统即平台技术,成功研发SystmOne,通过统一底层基础框架,以患者为中心,实现医院内各部门信息的无缝对接;整合院外各系统与平台的有效集成和信息共享。与英国NHS合作二十年,实现全国临床信息的互联互通与再利用。