丹麦驻华大使馆现招聘三名经济官员 工作地点为北京

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The Danish Embassy is looking for a new Economic Officer to support strategic sector cooperation between Danish and Chinese authorities within energy and maritime affairs /  

health, food and agriculture / 

sustainable urban development, environment and water



Position: Economic Officer 

(Energy and Maritime Affairs) (local staff) 

Type of employment: Employment for 3 years with the possibility of extension 

Starting date: As soon as possible

Location: Royal Danish Embassy, Beijing

Deadline for application: 12 August 2018


China and Denmark has a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership and enjoys strong government and trade relations. The Partnership furthers political relations, commercial cooperation and joint government activities within environment, sustainable energy, food standards, urban development, innovation, maritime affairs, health and well-being and supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.


Strategic sector cooperation (SSC) between Danish and Chinese public authorities is an important element of the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership. This mobilizes the competencies of Danish public authorities directly in long-term cooperation with their Chinese counterparts on how to create an enabling regulatory environment for sustainable development and welfare solutions. Strategic sector cooperation builds bilateral relations through close political and day-to-day working level contacts and paves the way for closer cooperation within research, trade and investments.


Denmark and China have worked together on sustainable energy regulation and energy solutions for almost 15 years. Recently the cooperation was further expanded with strategic sector cooperation on offshore wind power. From the Danish side the partners are the Danish Ministry of Climate and Energy and the Danish Energy Agency. From the Chinese side the main partners are the National Development Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration. The Danish Ministry of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs and the Danish Maritime Authority entered into strategic sector cooperation on maritime affairs with the China Maritime Safety Administration and the Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology in 2015. The cooperation supplements the regular maritime policy dialogue between Denmark and China with joint seminars and project activities.  


The Royal Danish Embassy in Beijing is now looking for an experienced and dynamic sector policy officer with strong analytical capabilities and networking skills to expand and strengthen the continued development of the Sino-Danish strategic sector cooperation within energy and maritime affairs. The officer will be working closely with the Embassy’s sector counsellor for maritime affairs and the attaché for climate and energy.  

We are looking for a colleague with a strong professional interest in government-to-government cooperation, sector policy development, regulation and enforcement in China. The job is multi-faceted with many and varied tasks and many and diverse relations. The job entails travelling within China and to Denmark.  


Main tasks and responsibilities


• Develop and facilitate project activities in close collaboration with the energy attaché and the sector counsellor for maritime affairs

• Expand and deepen relations and build networks with key stakeholders from Chinese and Danish authorities collaborating in the SSC 

• Prepare reports in English based on analysis of sector policy documents, news from think tanks, conferences and research on the internet

• Identify how to improve the SSC cooperation in close dialogue with the SSC partners based on sectoral, technical, cultural and organisational insights

• Facilitate knowledge sharing on sector developments, SSC results and SSC relations with colleagues at the Embassy, the Danish Consulate Generals and stakeholders in Denmark 

• Prepare and participate in visits to Denmark for key stakeholders and visit to Chinese provinces (maximum of 40 travel days a year)  

• Participate in planning visits by ministers and high-level delegations to China and Denmark       

• Participate in government meetings, write meeting summaries and undertake oral translation from Chinese to English and vice versa

• Translation of working documents from Chinese to English and from English to Chinese


Required qualifications


• Relevant academic bachelor or master’s degree

• Analytical mind-set and substantial experience in preparing analysis and reports 

• Excellent command of oral and written English and capable of using these skills to deliver high quality translations 

• Experience with governmental affairs preferably within both the energy sector and maritime affairs 

• Experience with building and upholding a responsive professional network with central and local government agencies

• Knowledge of work conditions and organisational culture in Chinese public agencies

• Experience with project design and project implementation

• Excellent at independent knowledge generation and knowledge sharing

• Self-motivated, creative, flexible, service minded and a good team player by nature

• IT proficiency and solid skills within MS Office and general good IT skills

• High level of integrity including a strong understanding of the Danish zero tolerance on corruption 




To apply for this position, please send your CV and motivated application no later than August 12th 2018 to bjsambhrchina@um.dk. 


Please note “Economic Officer (Energy and Maritime Affairs)” in the subject line. If you have questions about the position please contact the Energy Attaché Thomas Shapiro-Bengtsen (thoben@um.dk), +86 18515671183 or Team Leader for Energy and Maritime Affairs, Counsellor Mr. Lars Eskild Jensen (larjen@um.dk).  



Position: Economic Officer (Health and Food) (local staff) 

Type of employment: Employment for 3 years with the possibility of extension 

Starting date: As soon as possible

Location: Royal Danish Embassy, Beijing

Deadline for application: 12 August 2018


China and Denmark has a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership and enjoys strong government and trade relations. The Partnership furthers political relations, commercial cooperation and joint government activities within environment, sustainable energy, food standards, urban development, innovation, maritime affairs, health and well-being and supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.


Strategic sector cooperation (SSC) between Danish and Chinese public authorities is an important element of the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership. This mobilizes the competencies of Danish public authorities directly in long-term cooperation with their Chinese counterparts on how to create an enabling regulatory environment for sustainable development and welfare solutions. Strategic sector cooperation builds bilateral relations through close political and day-to-day working level contacts and paves the way for closer cooperation within research, trade and investments.


Denmark and China have implemented strategic sector cooperation within food and agriculture since 2015 and within health since 2017. The Danish Ministry of Food and Environment and its specialised agencies and the Danish Ministry of Health with its agencies and regional partners represent the Danish side. The Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, State Administration for Market Regulation, China National Drug Administration and National Health Commission are so far the main partners on the Chinese side. The cooperation also includes Chinese provincial governments for implementation of pilot demonstration projects.    


The Royal Danish Embassy in Beijing is now looking for an experienced and dynamic sector policy officer with strong analytical capabilities and networking skills to expand and strengthen the continued development of the strategic sector cooperation. The officer will be working closely with the Embassy’s sector counsellor for health as well as the sector counsellor for food and agriculture. 

We are looking for a colleague with a strong professional interest in government-to-government cooperation, sector policy development, regulation and enforcement in China. The job is multi-faceted with many and varied tasks and many and diverse partners. The job entails travelling within China and to Denmark. 


Main tasks and responsibilities


• Develop and facilitate project activities in close collaboration with the sector counsellor for food and agriculture and the sector counsellor for health 

• Expand and deepen relations and build networks with key stakeholders from Chinese and Danish authorities partnering in the SSC 

• Prepare reports in English based on analysis of sector policy documents, news from think tanks, conferences and research on the internet

• Identify how to improve the SSC cooperation in close dialogue with the SSC partners based on sectoral, technical, cultural and organisational insights

• Facilitate knowledge sharing on sector developments, SSC results and SSC relations with colleagues at the Embassy, the Danish Consulate Generals and stakeholders in Denmark

• Prepare and participate in visits to Denmark for key stakeholders and visit to Chinese provinces (maximum of 40 travel days a year)  

• Participate in planning visits by ministers and high-level delegations to China and Denmark       

• Participate in government meetings, write meeting summaries and undertake oral translation from Chinese to English and vice versa

• Translation of working documents from Chinese to English and from English to Chinese

Required qualifications

• Relevant academic bachelor or master’s degree

• Analytical mindset and substantial experience in preparing analysis and reports 

• Excellent command of oral and written English and capable of using these skills to deliver high quality translations 

• Experience with governmental affairs preferably from both sectors 

• Experience with building and upholding a responsive professional network with central and local government agencies

• Knowledge of work conditions and organisational culture in Chinese public agencies

• Experience with project design and project implementation

• Excellent at independent knowledge generation and knowledge sharing

• Self-motivated, creative, flexible, service minded and a good team player by nature

• IT proficiency and solid skills  within MS Office and general good IT skills

• High level of integrity including a strong understanding of the Danish zero tolerance on corruption 




To apply for this position, please send your CV and motivated application no later than August 12th 2018 to bjsambhrchina@um.dk. Please note “Economic Officer (Health and Food)” in the subject line. If you have questions about the position please contact Sector Counsellor (Food) Ms. Tilde Hellsten + 86 17600891525 or Sector Counsellor (Health) Mr. Mads Friborg +86 15611574303



Position: Economic Officer (Urban development, Environment and Water) (local staff) 

Type of employment: Employment for 3 years with the possibility of extension 

Starting date: As soon as possible

Location: Royal Danish Embassy, Beijing

Deadline for application: 12 August 2018


China and Denmark has a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership and enjoys strong government and trade relations. The Partnership furthers political relations, commercial cooperation and joint government activities within environment, sustainable energy, food standards, urban development, innovation, maritime affairs, health and well-being and supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.


Strategic sector cooperation (SSC) between Danish and Chinese public authorities is an important element of the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership. This mobilizes the competencies of Danish public authorities directly in long-term cooperation with their Chinese counterparts on how to create an enabling regulatory environment for sustainable development and welfare solutions. Strategic sector cooperation builds bilateral relations through close political and day-to-day working level contacts and also paves the way for closer cooperation within research, trade and investments.


The capitals of Denmark and China have been sister cities for many years. Beijing and Copenhagen have now entered into strategic sector cooperation to strengthen their cooperation on sustainable urban development practices through implementation of joint seminars and project activities. Beijing Municipal Commission of Urban Planning, State Land and Resources, Beijing Water Authority, the Technical and Environmental Department of the City of Copenhagen, Greater Copenhagen Utility and Biofos will be the main day-to-day partners in the new SSC cooperation. The Danish Ministry of Environment and Food and its specialised agency the Danish Environmental Protection Agency entered into strategic sector cooperation with its Chinese counterparts, the Ministry of Ecological Environment and the Ministry of Water Resources in 2015. Today, project activities also include Beijing Environmental Protection Bureau and Jiangsu Environmental Protection agency.


The Royal Danish Embassy in Beijing is looking for an experienced and dynamic sector policy officer with strong analytical capabilities and networking skills to expand and strengthen the continued development of the Sino-Danish strategic sector cooperation within sustainable urban development, environment and water. The officer will be working closely with the Embassy’s sector counsellor on urban development and sector counsellor for environment and water.


We are looking for a colleague with a strong professional interest in government-to-government cooperation, sector policy development, regulation and enforcement in China. The job is multi-faceted with varied tasks and diverse partners. The job entails travelling within China and to Denmark. 


Main tasks and responsibilities


• Develop and facilitate project activities in close collaboration with the two sector counsellors

• Expand and deepen relations and build networks with key stakeholders from Chinese and Danish authorities partnering in SSC

• Prepare reports in English based on analysis of sector policy documents, news from think tanks, conferences and research on the internet

• Identify how to improve the SSC cooperation in close dialogue with the SSC partners based on sectoral, technical, cultural and organisational insights

• Facilitate knowledge sharing on sector developments, SSC results and SSC relations with colleagues at the Embassy, the Danish Consulate Generals and stakeholders in Denmark

• Prepare and participate in visits to Denmark for key stakeholders and visits to Chinese provinces (maximum of 40 travel days a year) 

• Participate in planning visits by ministers and high-level delegations to China and Denmark  

• Participate in government meetings, write meeting summaries and undertake oral translation from Chinese to English and vice versa

• Translation of working documents from Chinese to English and from English to Chinese


Required qualifications


• Relevant academic bachelor or master’s degree

• Analytical mindset and substantial experience in preparing analysis and reports

• Excellent command of oral and written English and capable of using these skills to deliver high quality translations

• Experience with governmental affairs preferably within environment, water and sustainable urban development

• Experience with building and upholding a responsive professional network with central and local government agencies

• Knowledge of work conditions and organisational culture in Chinese public agencies

• Experience with project design and project implementation

• Excellent at independent knowledge generation and knowledge sharing

• Self-motivated, creative, flexible, service minded and a good team player by nature

• IT proficiency and solid skills within MS Office and general good IT skills

• High level of integrity including a strong understanding of the Danish zero tolerance on corruption 




To apply for this position, please send your CV and motivated application no later than 12. August 2018 to bjsambhrchina@um.dk. Please note “Economic Officer (Urban development, environment and water)” in the subject line. If you have questions about the position please contact Sector Counsellor (Environment & Water) Mr. Mads Terkelsen (madter@um.dk) + 86 1085329917 or Sector Counsellor (Green Urban Planning) Mr. Per Boesgaard (perboe@um.dk) + 86 1085329994.  



Read more about the Strategic Sector Cooperation: http://um.dk/en/danida-en/sustainable%20growth/strategic-sector-cooperation-new/


The Royal Danish Embassy emphasizes equal opportunities for all. Applications from qualified persons are welcome regardless of race, sex, religion or disability. 


Selected candidates will be invited for interviews – expected to take place in the last week of August. 

The chosen candidate must present a “No Criminal Record” and pass security clearance by the Danish authorities prior to appointment.


We offer


• An exciting, inter-cultural and dynamic work environment with a wide range of diverse tasks  

• Great opportunities for further development of your professional and personal competences


Employment conditions


• You will be offered full time employment for 3 years with the possibility of extension on a local contract based on the relevant legally binding labour market rules of China

• You standard working hours will be 40 hours per week with flexibility in organizing your own daily working hours  

• You will be entitled to 20 days of paid holiday per year. In addition, you will also be entitled to a number of paid local holidays 

• Your salary will reflect your qualifications, relevant experience and proven work-related results


About us


The Danish Embassy is part of the Danish Foreign Service. The Embassy covers China and Mongolia. The Embassy is an ambitious, high-paced and dynamic workplace with approximately 100 employees, 20 of whom posted from the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.