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We are seeking a highly motivated PhD student to develop computer models of the brain in order to optimise epilepsy treatments such as surgery and stimulation, and develop new treatments such as chronotherapy.

By using real-world patient data from EEG, MRI, wearable sensors, etc. the student will process the data, develop advanced analytic tools, and perform computer simulations of the treatments. The goal is to ultimately use these computer models and software tools to contribute to clinical decision making in collaboration with our partners in the NHS & med tech industry.


The environment:

The student will work in the CNNP Lab (www.cnnp-lab.com) - a highly interdisciplinary environment with computer scientists, neurobiologists, mathematicians, and clinicians. The lab is well funded with recent epilepsy funding of >£3m, and over 20 current lab members working at the interface of computer science and neurology in a supportive, collaborate manner. The lab is based in the School of Computing at the Newcastle Helix site in Newcastle City Centre, with state-of-the-art facilities.


The applicant:

You will have excellent programming skills in a language such as Python, Matlab, or R, and a good knowledge of data analysis & statistics. Knowledge of any of the following are desirable: biomedical image/signal processing (e.g. EEG, ECG, MRI), feature selection, machine learning techniques, deep learning, state space models, dynamical systems.


Number Of Awards

1 Start Date

September 2024

Award Duration

3.5 years


School of Computing


Dr Yujiang Wang, Dr Peter Taylor


Eligibility Criteria

You must have, or expect to gain, a minimum 2:1 Honours degree or international equivalent in a subject relevant to the proposed PhD project (e.g. inc. computing, mathematics, neuroscience etc.).

Applicants whose first language is not English require an IELTS score of 6.5 overall with a minimum of 5.5 in all sub-skills.

The studentship covers fees at the Home rate (UK and EU applicants with pre-settled/settled status and meet the residency criteria). International applicants are welcome to apply but will be required to cover the difference between Home and International fee.


How To Apply

You must apply through the University’s Apply to Newcastle Portal 

Once registered select ‘Create a Postgraduate Application’.  

Use ‘Course Search’ to identify your programme of study:  

Search for the ‘Course Title’ using the programme code: 8050F

Research Area: Computing Science

Select PhD Computer Science as the programme of study 

You will then need to provide the following information in the ‘Further Questions’ section:  

A ‘Personal Statement’ (this is a mandatory field) - upload a document or write a statement directly in to the application form  

The studentship code COMP2148 in the ‘Studentship/Partnership Reference’ field  

When prompted regarding your research proposal - select ‘Write Proposal’. You should then type in the title of the research project from this advert. You do not need to upload a research proposal.  

Contact Details

yujiang.wang@newcastle.ac.uk,   peter.taylor@newcastle.ac.uk

Funding Notes

100% Home fees covered and a minimum tax-free annual living allowance of £18,622 (2023-24 UKRI rate); Generous travel and equipment funds available